Spring 2024 Travel Course to Japan - INFO SESSIONS!

Info. Sessions for  

Japanese Ceramics Past and Present
Spring 2024 Travel course
Travel to Japan in May/June


9/26 Tue. 7-8 p.m. Zoom

10/5 Thurs. 7-8 p.m. Zoom

10/6 Fri. 12-1 p.m. Zoom.

Questions, please contact 

Janna Longacre
Professor Fine Arts 3D / Program Coordinator: Ceramics

Megumi Naitoh
Professor of Art, Emmanuel College

Megumi Naitoh is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Megumi Naitoh's Zoom Meeting

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Japan Info sessions


Meeting ID: 994 2151 4745

Passcode: 626905

Ceramic Commons first exhibition opens in Kuben, Hosens, Denmark

It’s been one year since the idea of Ceramic Commons was conceived. My colleague Anna Andersen was the instigator on this endeavor, and first generated this idea of “sending ceramic works electronically for a show”. She asked me if I would be interested in collaborating on this idea. We both share similar interests and expertise in 3D printing ceramics and I was delighted when she contacted me. I am enthusiastic about the “open-source environment” and between Anna and I, we could put together an intriguing project. We invited 10 artists and collected their 10 files which are licensed as “creative commons”. This experimental project is strictly non-profit. Now, the printing results are exhibited at Kuben in Horsens, Denmark. Anna Andersen is the printer of this show, and her employer, KH Würtz, generously offered to help with the use of PotterBot and glazing.

Emre Can’s work in Anna Andersen’s studio

Emre Can’s work in Anna Andersen’s studio

Group shot…! All the works for the show. Photograph by Jacob Almtoft.

Group shot…! All the works for the show. Photograph by Jacob Almtoft.

Anna and Megumi at the opening.

Anna and Megumi at the opening.

Kuben, the exhibition venue in Horsens, Denmark.

Kuben, the exhibition venue in Horsens, Denmark.

NCECA 2016

I am in the follwing shows at NCECA this year.

"#F*nked" Multidisciplinary adventure into teh backwoods of the internet.

Kansas City Art Institute, Dodge Painting Gallery, 4415 Warwick Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64111

Opening Reception Thurs., 3/17 5-9:30p.m.



"Michi" Distinct Path, Shared Affinity, An Exhibition of Japanese American Ceramics Artists

University of Central Missouri Gallery of Art and Design, 217 East Clark Street, Warrensburg, MO

Closing Reception 3/31 Thurs. 3-5p.m.
